
Anybody can enroll on the Writers College comprehensive creative writing course. You do not need any special qualifications or background and you can start whenever it suits you. Just complete the enrolment form and send it to us, together with your fee or deposit, and your course materials will be sent to you straight away.

So we now look forward to hearing from you, and hope this is the start of a long and happy relationship between us.


When your writing is regularly published, you are a professional writer. And you’ll have achieved something that many people will envy. You’ll be paid for doing something you love. It is a position that providing your work with us. The Writers College can help you reach.

We give you stimulating up-to-date study materials, expert tutors from the media who will also help to market your work when you become a published writer.

We know that with the right encouragement, most people are quite capable of producing good, publishable writing. There are many talented people about who, until now, have never had the right opportunity to develop her abilities. If you feel within yourself that you want to be a writer, then we can offer you both the opportunity and the encouragement to fully exploit your writing potential. We will in other words help you to capitalized on your creative ability.

When you have your first success, it is a wonderful feeling. It is surprising how just a little success will breed more success. Your confidence will soar and you will be able to tackle writing challenges that you once thought impossible.

If you are an imaginative person – prepared to work at you writing – we can help you to become a successful published writer, you will then be able to earn your fair share of thousands of Naira monthly or annually in fees and royalties. You will in short receive the proper financial return, the recognition and personal satisfaction that your writing deserves.

When you compare our fees with the potential rewards, we are sure you will agree that they are very modest. Certainly, we believe that they offer you excellent value for such a personal service.

If you truly want to be a writer, there is no time like the present to start. It will be tragic to do nothing and then look back in a few years’ time and say if only on the other hand, by enrolling now, you could be seeing your name in print in only a few short months, so complete the enrolment form and let’s start working together to help you become a published writer.

Finally, as the years go by, and you see your ambitions fulfilled, we hope that you will look back with pleasure to the day you placed your writing career in the hands of the writers guide courses.


1.       A first class comprehensive course written by successful professional writers.

2.       Caring, constructive help from expert tutors/writers.

3.       You have the course on 1 week for inspection.

4.       N2,500  for each module. Certificate of Competency is issue to students who have completed our 10 modules from the list and have returned them to us.

5.       Help and advice when you need it from our experienced student Advisory Team.

6.       Flexible study programme to suit you.

7.       With most of your assignments you will be writing material which can be submitted for publication.

8.       Specialist help on how to sell your writing, we will give you further advise on this.

9.       You can study the course anywhere you are. All study material is sent to you and are available to you anytime.

10.     You are awarded a Certificate of Competence as soon as you are through with all your modules.

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